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Fire & Life Safety Systems

  • All Parkway North Center buildings are constructed of steel and concrete, which inhibit the spread of fire and minimize damage to the buildings.
  • Buildings are equipped with smoke and heat detectors, which interface with a computerized building automation system (BAS). The BAS has a direct connection to the Deerfield Fire Department notifying them when an alarm is activated. Building alarms will be triggered by smoke and heat detectors, pull stations, water flow monitors and tamper switches. The buildings are also equipped with full sprinkler systems that are activated when fire temperatures reach 185 degrees at ceiling height.
  • Fire extinguishers are located throughout the buildings on all stairwell landings as well as inside all individual suites; these extinguishers are suitable for all basic fires that might occur in an office building. Fire alarm pull stations are located at all stairwells and exits.
  • All stairwells are constructed of fire-resistant materials, providing a safe evacuation route. Stairwell doors are not to be propped open, as this will allow smoke into the stairwell.
  • When a fire alarm is received, all stairwell doors and exit doors are automatically UNLOCKED.
  • In the event of an alarm, elevators will recall to the first floor and the doors will open before the elevator deactivates. Do not push the emergency stop button.

In the event of a fire, life safety systems at your building will activate automatically in order to reduce the negative impact of the emergency situation. Appropriate building emergency systems will operate automatically, or if necessary, by manual override.

The Deerfield Fire Department is familiar with our buildings and systems. They can be on site within minutes.

Your co-workers, acting as Fire Wardens and Alternate Fire Wardens form an effective Emergency Evacuation Team on each floor. Team members have all been trained in emergency evacuation procedures. They will be wearing distinctive yellow vests. Look for them and follow their directions should an emergency occur in your area.