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Bomb Threat

The most common bomb threats are made through phone calls placed directly to a company or to the local police department. Receiving a bomb threat is a frightening and stressful situation; knowing ahead of time how to handle a threatening phone call will enable you to handle the situation as effectively as possible.

There are two main reasons why a company might receive a bomb threat:

  1. The caller knows that an explosive or incendiary device has been or will be placed in the building and wants to minimize personal injury. The caller may be the person who placed the device or simply someone who is aware of the situation.
  2. The caller wants to create an atmosphere of panic, disrupting normal business activity, even though no device actually exists.

If you or someone in your company receives a bomb threat via phone call, the following guidelines will assist you in handling the call:

  • Use the Bomb Threat Checklist as a reference tool. Familiarize yourself with the questions on the checklist; the police will need as many details about the phone call as you can provide. By knowing ahead of time what questions to ask the caller and what details the police will need, you will enable yourself to be more calm and collected when forced to handle this type of situation.
  • After the bomb threat call is completed (or during the call, if you are able to have someone assist you) immediately call 911 and Building Management (847) 597-2350 to report the situation. Also report the situation to your manager. The decision to evacuate should be made immediately by your company’s senior officers.
  • Follow the standard procedures for evacuating the building; remain calm and exit the building in an orderly fashion.
  • Be sure to take any personal items such as purses or briefcases with you when you leave; these items are often suspicious vehicles for bombs, and may be destroyed by the Bomb Squad during their search of the building.
  • Do not touch or handle any unusual or suspicious items including:
    • Letters that are unusually bulky or heavy
    • Parcels or envelopes with chemical or oil stains
    • Parcels or envelopes with no return address
    • Parcels or envelopes with foreign postmarks
    • Any items that are not familiar and do not belong in your space
  • Be aware of any suspicious persons entering or exiting your suite, or of strange behavior exhibited by any staff member. Any abnormal activity should be reported to the bomb squad.

After the bomb threat call is completed (or during the call, if you are able to have someone assist you) immediately call 911 and Building Management (847) 597-2350 to report the situation. Also report the situation to your manager. The decision to evacuate should be made immediately by your company's senior officers.

PLEASE NOTE: Any equipment that is capable of transmitting a radio signal should be turned off immediately. Certain radio frequencies can be used to activate a bomb.

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